Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap of Faith

 Photo & Recipe:

  Today is leap day, so ....
An extra day this year to live life to the fullest 
An extra 24 hours to reflect and learn from the past 
An extra 1440 minutes to tell family & friends how much they mean to you
An extra 86400 seconds to learn to forgive and forget 
An extra 5184000 nanoseconds to take that leap of faith & do something outside of your comfort zone

The past "leaping" year
1. Transitioning from a student to a pharmacist, every action now comes with responsibilities.
2. Learning that life is full of surprises. Things that you thought once were impossible become POSSIBLE. 
3. Meeting & becoming great friends with someone unexpectedly.
4. Believing that no matter how far your friends are they are only a phone call & a plane ride away.
5. Laughing away the year by dressing up and having fun. 
6. Living to eat but learning that sometimes the BEST macaroon is not the store bought one but the one that you and your girlfriend stayed up to painfully make :) 
7. Working and sometimes playing with the boundaries by having a little fun at work! 

So why the title "leap year"? I was born on leap day 
Since Life has a way of creeping up on us, let's take a "leap of faith". This blog is my leap of faith today - I never thought i could ever start a blog :D

Enjoy your Leap Day, February 29. In this Leap Year, I challenge you take a "leap of faith" in life Leave a comment with your leap of faith you'll take either today, tomorrow, or sometimes in the future :D