Wednesday, April 25, 2012

[Live] [Jump] [Fall] [Love] [Learn] [LEAP]

My dominoes may not fall perfectly, but I will work hard in putting them ALL back into place :D

Sometimes the thing you think u hate the most, u end up loving
Sometimes life has it's own way of kicking u in the butt,just so that it can see how much u can handle 
Sometimes your gut tells you to give up, but your heart keeps you there
Sometimes the hardest decision in your life, is really the easiest, b/c at least u had choices

Sometimes the right easy choice STARES at you in the face, but you choose the more challenging one 

Life is full of surprises.  We can work to line up those dominoes, but eventually they will fall.  
Yesterday is the past.  Today is the present.  Tomorrow is the future.  

[Live] [Jump] [Fall] 
[Love] [LEAP] [Fall] but keep living and leaping even if it means you fall 1,000 times before you succeed![Live] [Love] [Be Happy]